Monday, August 26, 2013

The Honor Roll

I am happy to announce that I am taking over The Honor Roll column for Comicosity! Ive known many of the crew that works on the site for a long time, so joining the group feels like a homecoming of sorts. Its a great opportunity to work with a group of people that love comics and really enjoy working with each other, I couldn't be more excited to get to share my love of comics with them and with you, on this column.

To submit a choice to me, please email me here or contact me on Twitter

My vision for the column is this:

#1 Pick what you feel is the best book of the week. This doesn't have to be the most popular book or the best looking book, what it should be is the issue that you read that made you the most excited. Evoked the most emotion, kept you thinking after you were done. We all have a favorite every week, I want to know yours!

#2 After you have picked your favorite, pick a panel from that book that you loved the most. It might be the best representation of the book over-all, maybe its just your favorite just because. Great! Send it to me! The quality of the image doesn't have to be great, I will get a good copy to post on the site.

#3 Next, tell me why you picked the book as your favorite. 2 to 3 sentences is all I need. We want to know why you loved it so much!

#4 Finally, tell me about yourself. Give me a short bio about who you are and where you can be found so others can find you too!

Here is an example:

Kiss Kids #1 from IDW - Aaron Meyers 

I have been waiting to find out about the early lives of the Knights in Satan's Service for as long as I can remember. Finally I got to read that this week with #1 of this amazing series. I cant wait for more!

About me:
Aaron Meyers is blessed with a good job, a loving family and a wonderful home. But none of that matters when there’s a new box filled with $1 comics. Seriously, back off people, they’re his. He well-known both for being right and ensuring that people who are wrong are made aware of their deficiencies. He can often be found on Twitter at @aaronmeyers or his blog Proactive Continuity where he will be more than happy to tell you what you need to read, what you need to buy and his opinion of you if you don’t. Hide if you must.

And that's it! We will post every ones picks every week. I'm excited to do this on the Comicosity site, I hope you will be excited to contribute to the column.