Monday, October 29, 2012

Special Edition Post: Trade Pics For Newbies?

Today I had a worker at the local Starbucks I go to ask me "Hey did I hear you talking the other day about how you read comic books?" I told her I read them a lot and asked if she did too. She told me that she used to years ago but stopped and had no idea what she would even read. I told her I would bring some stuff for her to check out, but after doing so, I also realized I don’t have much of a good collection of trades that I could give to someone new to comics to sample. This made me wonder, what 3 - 5 trades would you give a person new to comics as your "ultimate sampler" to get them interested again in comics? Please leave your picks in the comments section below! For me, I picked:

The Sixth Gun Vol 1
Freak Angles Vol 1
Ex Machina Vol 1
I Kill Giants